Specific Sites Badge


SSB : 0/2000

500MTC / Mint

(Gasfee 0.002BNB is required.)


Specific Sites for FREEPORT Metaverse.

Freeport Metaverse is not only take people to join our virtual world. People are able to bring their idea into our Metaverse. Moreover, lots of tools let you launch your own NFT , token and DAO on chain. You will be the smart contract owner. Use your NFT to do anything you want in game and REAL WORLD. It means you also have the right to negotiate creator fee with marketplace on BSC chain. Therefore, our NFT Maker - Gaia version 1.0 is going to launch on March 15th.

Purchase limit

500 & 10000 limit.

Business tools

Able to use more Freeport Authoring tools and Business tools.


Platinum citizenship to run for city mayor.

Higher level

Able to operate higher level enterprise.

Transaction Details